Everything You Need to Know About Our Services

Introduction to HR Consulting

It’s a part-time executive HR leader who offers strategic HR expertise without a full-time commitment. They’re especially beneficial for startups and Small to Medium businesses, setting the HR strategy and driving commercial value.

It’s an age old saying, but people are your most valuable resource.

Having a robust HR Strategy will ensure that you have a detailed plan to uplift your HR infrastructure and ensure you are driving commercial outcomes from a people lens.

HR Strategies include workforce planning, strategic talent acquisition, employee and leadership development, fostering a growth-orientated workplace culture, employee engagement and retention, and many more.

Value Proposition and Outcomes

While viable, building a team can be costly and time-consuming. We offer immediate access to seasoned HR experts, ensuring swift and quality strategic execution.

By outsourcing your HR function, you are not only reducing your overheads, but creating flexibility which allows your organisation to scale the HR services up or down based on your changing business requirements.

When you are ready for an in house team, we can also help you build and staff it to ensure it is optimised and you are set up for ongoing success.

We look to integrate with your business and provide you with a dedicated HR professional by using a holistic approach where you would receive the same engagement as if you had your own in-house team.

Your success is our success. We will look to understand your drivers, your commercial strategy, culture and goals to ensure our services give you the best.

In our initial calls we will get a detailed understanding of your requirements and where we can add value. Depending on the scope of the project, we will set key goals and deliverables that are measurable to demonstrate our value add.

Examples of areas we can impact include but not limited to, improvements in time to recruit and hiring manager/candidate experience, reduced turnover rates, enhanced employee engagement, legal compliance and a direct positive impacts on your bottom line.

We can also support you in delivering outcome based project work like workforce planning, implementing new employment policies, reviewing employment contracts and ensuring award alignment, developing streamlined onboarding processes and revamping your remuneration framework.

While immediate improvements can be seen in areas like process streamlining, the bigger picture strategic changes will often see results in the medium to longer term.

When we initially engage with you we will determine the quick wins that we can influence immediately and the areas that will need a longer term focus.

How We Operate

We offer flexible engagements that will meet your requirements, be that for a short engagement or a longer term partnership. Our focus is to get the best results for your business.

Our consultative approach ensures we feel like an internal team, understanding your drivers and culture for seamless integration. We will however empower you and your teams to work in a “done with you” approach to ensure you can drive outcomes moving forward.

We are transparent in our costings from the get go, but the exact fees will depend on the scope and breadth of the services required.

Once you book a discovery call and we understand your requirements, we will provide you with a costing structure that will ensure we deliver great value to your business.

While considering costs, remember the value. With Loop Business Consulting you’re gaining a strategic partner who will work with you to optimise your business and implement commercially viable strategies to drive long term growth and efficiencies.

We conduct comprehensive training sessions, provide detailed documentation, and ensure your team is equipped to take the reins post our engagement.

We pride ourselves in establishing long term partnerships, so even after an engagement, we will be available to provide advice and guidance.

We abide by strict confidentiality agreements and have a structured IT infrastructure to ensure your sensitive company information remains protected and confidential.

Adaptability and Industry Expertise

We immerse ourselves in your industry, understanding its nuances, and craft strategies that address specific challenges. Over the years we have also worked with a number of different clients, across many industries so we quickly have been able to gain a thorough understanding of the nuances in each area.

We look to be agile and iterative with our approach to ensure we can quickly realign our strategies based on sudden business needs or market changes.

Our goal is to work collaboratively with you and ensure the overall deliverables always align to your needs.

Through continuous learning, attending industry events, and networking and working with a range of clients in different industries just like yourself.

HR Software and Technology

While software handles administrative tasks and AI is great, it is our deep expertise and human touch that will ensure we develop strategies that are customised to your business and not generic information.

Yes, we’re experienced with various HR software packages and can support you with choosing the right package for you and provide you with project management support to implement the software and embed this within your business.

Next Steps

Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways we can help:

  1. Contact us for a free consultation
  2. Check out our case studies
  3. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter below

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