Bridging Innovation with Human Expertise

This company is a small growing technology company with a core focus on utilising artificial intelligence to support decision making for infrastructure organisations.


Increase in Employee Retention Rate

Boosted employee retention rates by 15% within a year.


Top-Tier Roles Filled

Attracted 12+ top-tier talents from globally reputed institutions and rivals.


Increase in employee engagement

Saw a 10% increase in employee engagement post employee wellness initiatives and development program implementation.

About Them

This company is a small growing technology company with a core focus on utilising artificial intelligence to support decision making for infrastructure organisations.


  • Agile HR Strategy
  • Talent Acquisition Blueprint
  • Leadership Development Program
  • Tech-Centric Employee Welfare Initiatives

The Goal

Harnessing the best minds in tech and fostering a culture where ground breaking innovations flourish.

The Gap

An unparalleled vision for tech transformation, but a real need for a human-centric strategy to power this ambition.

The Gamble

To re-envision HR not as a support function, but as the bedrock on which future tech legends are born.

The Gain

A vibrant, high-octane work environment where every mind is focused on ushering in tech’s next big thing.

How We Helped

  • Crafted an agile HR strategy that’s both fluid and robust, catering to the dynamic needs of an innovative tech player.
  • Developed and implemented a talent acquisition blueprint that goes beyond skills, focusing on passion, potential, and the hunger for innovation.
  • Created a holistic leadership development program, that enabled tech gurus to develop people skills, ensuring that this organisation didn’t just attract the best, but also crafted its own high potentials.
  • Introduced tech-centric employee welfare initiatives, including hackathons, tech think tanks, and innovation sprints.


Upon integrating our recommendations and using our solutions, this business experienced a paradigm shift in their operational capabilities and results:

  • Leadership development: With the investment in leadership skills, we were able to fill 30% of new roles from within.
  • Efficient talent acquisition: With our streamlined recruitment strategies, this organisation has been able to reduce its time to hire by 35% and improve retention by 15%.
  • HR Plan: With their newly devised HR strategy, there are now clearer career pathways and a streamlined way cross functional teams collaborate.

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